Need coaching or clinical supervision?

Schedule an appointment for online coaching or for clinical supervision with Professors Roskam and Mikolajczak. 

You need to purchase credits in order to schedule an appointment (1 credit for one online coaching session in the event of successive failed quizzes or assessments; and 3 credits for a clinical supervision session).

Credits can be purchased using the form below.

  • Commande

  • Coordonnées personnelles

  • Paiement

Résumé de la commande


59 € HT

Total HT

59 €

TVA (20%)

11,80 €


70,80 €


Moyen de paiement

Training Institute for Psychology & Health

Rue Courbevoie 6/002

B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

+32 10 39 44 80 (Mo-Fr from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm)


IBAN: BE81 0689 3416 7924