(Last updated 20 November 2024)
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (known as the “General Data Protection Regulation” or “GDPR”) establishes a regime of protection of personal data. European Union member states have also adopted laws in this area. The GDPR, supplemented by applicable national laws, provides a frame of reference for the processing of personal data by the Training Institute for Psychology & Health (“TIPH”).
This privacy policy provides information about how TIPH processes your personal data. It specifies what kind of personal data TIPH is likely to process, why these data are processed and what your rights are. This policy applies to personal data processing, whether by automated or non-automated means (for example to paper file systems).
A number of key terms are used in this policy:
Here is a list of the main purposes for which TIPH processes your personal data:
If TIPH decides to process personal data for a purpose other than that for which it was initially collected, it will inform you of this new purpose.
The categories of personal data that TIPH may collect include:
The GDPR does not allow all processing. In general, only processing that meets at least one of the conditions in the following list is allowed. We refer to this as the legal basis.
When TIPH bases the processing on its legitimate interests, it will point them out to you when your personal data are collected.
The GDPR prohibits the processing of sensitive data except in special cases that are specifically regulated. Indeed, these data are, by nature, particularly sensitive from the point of view of fundamental rights and freedoms and require specific protection since the context in which they are processed could create significant risks for these freedoms and rights.
Other laws or regulations may also impose limits on the processing of certain types of personal data. For example, TIPH will never use your name or image without your explicit consent.
TIPH ensures that your personal data are only accessible to people with an identified need to know them, by implementing access control measures.
The number of TIPH people who can access your personal data depends on the nature of the data. Some personal data may be viewed by anyone working at TIPH (for example, publicly available data about you). Access to most of your personal data is limited to certain employees, insofar as this access is necessary for the performance of their work (for example, to produce invitation letters, to consult your quizzes or evaluations if you request coaching, to organize the referencing of professionals who request it, ...).
In addition, TIPH may send your personal data to the following recipients:
1. Authorized third-party companies: TIPH may share your personal data with third entities that process personal data on behalf of TIPH, provide services to TIPH (e.g. your email address may be communicated to our web marketer in the context of his missions for the TIPH). In all cases, TIPH ensures that there is an identified need to transfer your personal data.
Outside entities include, for example:
When TIPH uses a subcontractor, it enters into a contract with it to protect your personal data and in particular to prohibit any processing that has not been decided by TIPH.
2. Public authorities and bodies exercising a public-interest mission: TIPH may be required by law to disclose your personal data to certain authorities or other third parties, for example, the police or other entity law-enforcement authorities acting within the scope of their duties.
TIPH may sometimes transfer your personal data to countries outside the European Union. Some of these countries are recognized by the Commission of the European Union as ensuring an adequate level of protection of personal data, through an adequacy decision. When TIPH transfers your personal data to a country that has not been the subject of an adequacy decision, it implements appropriate safeguards to provide adequate protection to your personal data. These safeguards may take the form of standard contractual clauses for the protection of personal data approved by the European Commission.
TIPH only keeps your personal data for the time necessary for the purposes for which they are processed. In most cases, the personal data will be kept during the period of your commercial relationship with TIPH, if applicable, then archived for the legally required period. They may also be kept if necessary for periods in accordance with industry standards or the recommendations of the competent data-protection supervisory authorities.
Regarding the processing of your personal data, you have the following rights:
If you intend to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, TIPH would appreciate your first informing the controller of your comments, questions or complaints (see section “How to contact us” below).
TIPH only asks you for the personal data necessary to carry out the missions you have entrusted to it.
You can access your data, ask questions about the management of personal data within TIPH, obtain a copy of the safeguards mentioned above and exercise most of your rights described above by contacting TIPH at admin@tipsychologyhealth.com or by mail at the following address:
Training Institute for Psychology & Health
Rue Courbevoie, 6/002
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Before processing your request, TIPH may need to identify you, for example by asking you for proof of identity. TIPH will respond to your request as soon as possible and in any case within one month, but this period can be extended by two months, in view of the complexity or the number of requests.
The identity and contact details of the controller are as follows:
Training Institute for Psychology & Health
Legal form: limited liability company
Registered office: Rue Courbevoie 6/002, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Company number: 0727.441.602
Email: admin@tipsychologyhealth.com
Training Institute for Psychology & Health
Rue Courbevoie 6/002
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
+32 10 39 44 80 (Mo-Fr from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm)
IBAN: BE81 0689 3416 7924